15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002

Process Identification and Estimation

Session Slot: T-We-A11
Area Code: 7a

Paper TitleAuthors  
Constrained Multisine Inputs for Plant-Friendly Identification of Chemical ProcessesD.E. Rivera, M.W. Braun and H.D. Mittelmann
On-Line Monitoring and Control of Non-Linear Systems via Continuous-Discrete ObserversCarlos-Manuel Astorga-Zaragoza Sami Othman Hassan Hammouri
Development of a Soft Sensor for a Batch Distillation Column Using Linear and Nonlinear PLS Regression TechniquesEliana Zamprogna, Massimiliano Barolo and Dale E. Seborg
State Estimation in a Catalytic Reactor via a Constructive ApproachTeresa Lopez, Stefania Tronci, Roberto Baratti and Jesus Alvarez
Improved Autotuning Using Shape Factor from Relay FeedbackT. Thyagarajan and Cheng-Ching Yu
Regulating Concentration Profile in Fluid Flow Using Process TomographyStephen Duncan