15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 2126 July 2002
Process Modeling and Analysis Tools
Session Slot:
Area Code:
Paper Title
A Tool Integration Framework for Dynamic Simulation in Process Engineering
H. Scharwaechter, L. von Wedel, A. Yang, W. Marquardt
Control Structure Selection for a Reactive Distillation Column
K. Dadhe, S. Engell, R. Gesthuisen, S. Pegel, M. Völker
Hankel-Norm Based Interaction Measure for Input-Output Pairing
Björn Wittenmark Mario E. Salgado
Implementation of a Tool for Control Structure Assessment
Mikael Petersson Karl-Erik Årzén Henrik Sandberg Lena de Maré
Consistency Relations in Process Modeling
Esref Eskinat
Embedded Software Design and System Integration for Rotorcraft UAV Using Platforms
Benjamin Horowitz Judith Liebman Cedric Ma T. John Koo Thomas A. Henzinger Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli Shankar Sastryntelli, and Shankar Sastry