11-14 Jan. 2010 | 2nd Gas Processing Symposium , Doha, Qatar |
10-13 Feb. 2010 | Slovak control conferenbce (cybernetics and informatics), Vysna Boca, Slovakia |
06-09 June 2010 |
05-07 July 2010 |
07-09 July 2010 |
25-27 Aug. 2010 | Nordic Process Control Workshop, Lund, Sweden |
29 Aug - 02 Sep. 2010 | CHISA and ECCE-7 (combined) + PRES, Prague, Csech Republic |
07-10 Sep. 2010 | UKACC control conference , Coventry, UK |
12-15 Sep. 2010 |
Brosjyrer for de fleste av disse finnes på utsiden av Sigurd Skogestad's kontor, kjemiblokk 4, NTNU.
List updated by S. Skogestad