Ph.D. Course: Multivariable feedback control using frequency-domain
(Multivariabel frekvensanalyse)
Norwegian University of Science Technology.
Course number:
Taught last time: Spring of 1999
The course has been given every year since 1989 (except
in 1995 and 1998), but it is now discontinued - it is
replaced by a new 4th year (advanced undergraduate) course
by Professor Morten Hovd given the first time in the
spring term 2001.
Level: Introductory graduate (Ph.D.)
Grading: The project counts 20% and the final exam 80%
This is a fairly extensive course. It requires that the students
have some background in multivariable control and in state-space
system theory (some students do not have this background, but they
must then expect to spend up to 20 hours per week on the course).
Syllabus for the course (Pensum)
Mail box for the course: [ Spring 1999]
[ Spring 1997]
[ Spring 1996]
The course itself
Lecture part (9 weeks, Typically 3 hours per week)
- Week 1: Introduction to the course. Chapters 1 and 2.
- Week 2: Main points of Appendix. Chapter 3.
- Week 3: Finish Ch. 3 (general control formulation). Ch. 4 ( system theory)
Notat fra Lars Imsland om poler og
nullpunkt (feb. 99)
- Week 4: Exercises from chapters 3 and 4. Ch. 4 (H2- and H-infinity norms)
- Week 5: SISO controllability. Peaks on S and T (Theorem 5.6).
( Transparencies on controllability
analysis )
- Week 6: MIMO controllability (Ch.6). Model uncertainty in the frequency domain (Ch. 7)
- Week 7: Introduction to RS and M-delta structure. Mu (Ch. 7 and 8).
Application of mu (Sec. 8.11).
- Week 8: Finish up mu. Introduction to controller design (Ch. 9)
- Week 9: A little about model reduction (MATLAB commands) (Ch. 11),
Control structure design and decentralized control (Ch. 10)
- Extra lecture (2 weeks before project starts): Discuss projects. Students
make proposal.
- Project: 3-4 weeks (About 50 hours for MATLAB work plus report writing)
- Evaluation (grading) of project: Based on written report and 15 min oral