Arthur Joseph Victor UNDERWOOD Birth Date: 20 Feb 1897, Leeds Death Date: 14 Mar 1972, London Father: Moses Unanski (b. 1861, Ekaterinoslav, Russia, d. 11 may 1936, London) Mother: Rebecca Kopp (b. 1870, Ukraine, d. 04 May 1950, London) 1897: Was naturalised British with his father Moses 1924: Together with his brother (Rudolph Jacob) and sister (Lucy), he changed surname to from Umanski to Underwood. xx-1916?: Univ. or Leeds. Mathematics and civil engineering 1916-19: Chemist for the ministry of munitions Afetr 1919: Master degreee at Univ. of Leeds East Africa (Kenya) 1922: Mechanical engineer, Magadi Soda Co. Area: P.O. Kajiado. 1925: Proposed the formation of "Council for Industrial development" Late 1920s: teaching part-time at London Hackney Institute 1932-34: Honorary Lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering at UCL 1939: England and Wales Register: Living (with surname Underwood) with sister Lucy b. 28 Jan 1905 in Willesden, as consulting chemical engineer 1937-1944: Honorary sectreary for IChemE War Service: RAF Later: Chemical Engineering consultant to the Ministry of Defence (Army) 1945 (in a paper): By A.J.V. Underwood, D.Sc., M.I.Chem.E, A.M.I Mech.E., F.R.I.C, F.Inst.F., F. Inst.Pet. 1948: Says that he is a "Consulting chemical engineer, London". 1960s?: Chair of the EFCE Working Party on Distillation 1965: OBE The archives after Underwood seem to be available at the University of Southampton, However, it seems to be a mixed bag of many things (not only his own work) which would take time to go through.