Dinesh Krishnamoorthy, Bjarne Foss and Sigurd Skogestad. Real-Time Optimization under Uncertainty Applied to a Gas Lifted Well Network.

Published in Processes, 4(4), p.52 (Real time optimization special issue)


Abstract: In this work, we consider the problem of daily production optimization in the upstream oil and gas domain. The objective is to find the optimal decision variables that utilize the production systems efficiently and maximize the revenue. Typically, mathematical models are used to find the optimal operation in such processes. However, such prediction models are subject to uncertainty that has been often overlooked, and the optimal solution based on nominal models can thus render the solution useless and may lead to infeasibility when implemented. To ensure robust feasibility, worst case optimization may be employed; however, the solution may be rather conservative. Alternatively,

we propose the use of scenario-based optimization to reduce the conservativeness. The results of the nominal, worst case and scenario-based optimization are compared and discussed.