Subject: Open newly version in early version in Aspen Plus. From: "Brandao" Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2010 13:48:59 -0300 To: Hi Sigurd, Legend goes that there is a way to open later versions of Aspen Plus .bkp files in former versions.: 1 ) Open the .bkp file using a text editor, e.g. Notepad. 2) Change all instances of the version number in the first line to the version available. Only the integer part and first decimal place of the version is required. E.g., version 20.0.123 is simply version 20.0. 3 ) Save and try to open it again. I tried it and, surprisingly, it worked just fine, despite an annoying message of error that you must ignore. Maybe this is good stuff to include along with the ammonia files. Cheers, Antonio Carlos Brandao de Araujo Chemical Engineering Department Federal University of Campina Grande - UFCG, Fax: +55 83 3310 1114