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Dealing with Bio- and Ecological Complexity: Challenges and Opportunities

Authors:Carson Ewart, City University London, United Kingdom
Feng David Dagan, University of Sydney, Australia
Pons Marie-Noëlle, CNRS-ENSIC-INPL Nancy, France
Soncini-Sessa Rodolfo, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
van Straten Gerrit, Wageningen University, Netherlands
Topic:8.1 Control in Agriculture
Session:Dealing with Bio- and Ecological Complexity: Challenges and Opportunities
Keywords: Agriculture, biomedical systems, biotechnology, control systems, ecology, environmental systems, modelling.


The complexities of the dynamic processes and their control associated with biological and ecological systems offer many challenges for the control engineer. Over the past decades the application of dynamic modelling and control has aided understanding of their complexities. At the same time using such complex systems as test-beds for new control methods has highlighted their limitations (e.g. in relation to system identification) and has thus acted as a catalyst for methodological advance. This paper continues the theme of exploring opportunities and achievements in applying modelling and control in the bio- and ecological domains.