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Advanced Control Algorithms + Simulink compatibility + Real-time OS = REX

Authors:Balda Pavel, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Schlegel Miloš, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Štětina Milan, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Topic:9.4 Control Education
Session:We Have Many Things To Tell You About Control Education
Keywords: industrial control system, embedded control, Simulink, OPC, real-time controlsystem


This paper describes the structure and features of a new industrial controlsystem called REX. During the system design, special attention was paid to thesimulation facility of the control algorithms. The equivalent behavior ofsimulation and real-time control is guaranteed by a large function blockslibrary which is implemented for both Simulink and each target platform. REXis suitable for building real-time control systems of real, virtual and remotelaboratories. REX does not utilize Real Time Workshop by The Mathworks.