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Experimental Results on PBC of a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Interconnected with an Induction Motor

Authors:Becherif Mohamed, LSS&LGEP-CNRS-SUPELEC, France
Mendes Eduardo, LCIS-ESISAR, France
Ortega Romeo, LSS-CNRS-SUPELEC, France
Riera Jordi, IRI-UPC, Spain
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Control of Underactuated Systems
Keywords: Nonlinear control, Induction machines, Induction generators, Passive, Interconnected systems.


This paper concerns the control of an electromechanical systemconsisting of a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG), driven by aprime mover that can supply or extract mechanical power and anInduction Motor (IM). The stator of the IM is connected to thestator of the generator whose rotor voltage is regulated by abidirectional converter. A passivity-based controller (PBC) isproposed to regulate the motor mechanical speed and the rotor fluxnorm. Since this kind of controllers achieve stabilization viaenergy--balancing, regulation of the power flow in the system canbe naturally incorporated. Experimental results are presented toillustrate the main points of our paper. A classical PI controlleris also applied to compare the performances of the differentapproaches.