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Fault recovering taskblocks and control synthesis for a class of condition systems

Authors:Ashley Jeffrey, University of Kentucky, United States
Holloway Lawrence E., University of Kentucky, United States
Dangoumau Nathalie, Ecole Centrale de Lille, France
Topic:5.1 Manufacturing Plant Control
Session:Recovery and Control Adaptation for DES
Keywords: Discrete-event systems, Petri-nets, Fault-tolerant systems, Fault diagnosis, Control system synthesis, Intelligent manufacturing systems


In this paper, we define fault recovery in terms of condition system languages, and show how to modify a component model to represent a fault that limits the functionality of a component. We also show under what conditions a control can be synthesized to work around such a fault. Finally, we consider the propagation of faulty behavior throughout the system and present an algorithm to evaluate whether some target specification is achievable by utilizing existing control synthesis techniques.