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Passivity Based Control and Optimization of a Silicon Process

Authors:Ruszkowski Martin, Carnegie Mellon University, United States
Read Mark, Carnegie Mellon University, United States
Kaiser Robert, Carnegie Mellon University, United States
Richardson Philip, Carnegie Mellon University, United States
Kern Tom, Carnegie Mellon University, United States
Ydstie B. Erik, Carnegie Mellon University, United States
Topic:6.1 Chemical Process Control
Session:Real Time Optimization and Control of Process and Energy Systems
Keywords: Control, Non-linear, Optimization, Partial Differential Equation, Passivity, Chemical Process, Silicon, Stability, Thermodynamics.


In this paper we develop a Real Time Optimization (RTO) strategyfor a Silicon reactor. A two-zone process model of the Silicon smelting-furnace isdeveloped. The top section is described with parabolic partial diferential equationsdescribing countercurrent liquid, gas and solid flow with chemical reaction. Thebottom section is approximated as a stirred tank reactor. The model equations areconverted to a system of diferential algebraic equations using the method of linesand up-winding approximation for the spatial derivatives. The model parametersare matched to industrial data by minimizing a quadratic objective function usinga novel interior point SQP method. The dynamic response has been verified andwe have shown that passivity based inventory control can be used to stabilize theprocess at its optimal operating point.