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Control of nonholonomic systems: a simple stabilizing time-switching strategy

Authors:Casagrande Daniele, University of Trieste, Italy
Astolfi Alessandro, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Parisini Thomas, University of Trieste, Italy
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:Hybrid and Switched Control
Keywords: Switching control, Nonlinear stabilization, Nonholonomic systems


The problem of asymptotic stabilization for a class of nonholonomicsystems is studied and solved by means of a hybrid control law whichmakes use of a (deterministic) finite state machine. It is shown that,by using a simple switching control scheme, the origin is a globallyasymptotically stable equilibrium in the sense of Lyapunov. Thecontrol law can take into account the presence of inputsaturation. Simulation results are reported showing the performance of the proposed control scheme.