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Overcoming Sensor Faults in Controlled Induction Motor

Authors:Mendoza Antonio, CARTIF, Spain
Arnanz Roberto, CARTIF, Spain
Corrales Alicia, CARTIF, Spain
Ramón Perán Jose, ETSII University of Valladolid, Spain
de Miguel Luis Javier, ETSII University of Valladolid, Spain
Topic:6.4 Safeprocess
Session:Applications of Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control
Keywords: Induction motors, Extended Kalman Filter, Fault diagnosis, Fault isolation,Control oriented models.


Following CARTIF’s motors Group previous works, this paper proposes anew application for parameter online estimation for induction motor, which is used in amodel-based fault diagnosis. Induction motor is described by non-linear differentialequations and an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) estimates three parameters (rotorresistance, stator resistance and magnetizing inductance). The diagnosis systemproposed here is a parity equations scheme for sensor faults and multiplicative faultsusing parameter estimation. Reconfiguration of Kalman Filter is used to achieveacceptable control conditions when a sensor fault exits. Experimental results on a Fieldoriented controller (FOC) with 5.5kw motor are presented.