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Design in Collaboration: Existing Trends and Application to the Case of Conflict Handling with CO²MED Software

Authors:Lombard Muriel, University Henry Poincaré , Nancy1, France
Rose Bertrand, University Henry Poincaré , Nancy1, France
Ris Gabriel, University Henry Poincaré , Nancy1, France
Topic:4.4 Cost Oriented Automation
Session:Cultural and Cost Aspects of Controlling a Distributed Collaborative Engineering
Keywords: Control remote collaboration, network of actors, types of collective work, CSCW tools, conflict handling, capitalisation.


New Organizational frameworks for companies dealing with product development are required for the new market rules as much as for the rising pressure and complexity in product and process development. Thus, the new stake is to examine new methods of leading the design activities. We examine tools and trends existing in collaborative design today and propose a repository and its software implementation for the most constrained case of collaboration in design: collaborative conflict handling.