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Prediction of Low Frequency Blood Pressure Oscillations via a Combined Heart/Resistance Model

Authors:Ringwood John, NUI Maynooth, Ireland
Kinnane Oliver, NUI Maynooth, Ireland
Malpas Simon, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Topic:8.2 Modelling & Control of Biomedical Systems
Session:Parameter Estimation and Kinetic Modelling I
Keywords: Biomedical systems, limit cycles, oscillation, nonlinear analysis,blood pressure


Low frequency oscillations in blood pressure (BP) can occur due to afeedback pathway between the sensing of BP and the central nervoussystem (CNS), often termed the baroreflex, affecting both cardiacoutput (heart-rate and stroke volume) and peripheral resistance. Inthis paper, an integrated model of both these subsystems is assembledand an analysis technique developed, which shows the conditions underwhich a limit cycle oscillation can occur. In particular, the role ofmean levels of cardiac output and peripheral resistance, previouslythought to be relatively unimportant, in establishing and maintainingsustained oscillations, is highlighted. The ultimate aim of thisanalysis is to assist in the development of diagnostic tests based onmeasurement of low-frequency blood pressure oscillations.