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Modelling of a diesel engine Common Rail injection system

Authors:Gauthier Christophe, LAG / Delphi, France
Sename Olivier, LAG, France
Dugard Luc, LAG, France
Meissonnier Guillaume, Delphi, France
Topic:7.1 Automotive Control
Session:Engine Control
Keywords: Diesel engine, Common Rail system, rail pressure control


This paper is devoted to the modelling of a Diesel Common Rail Injection System. The objective is twofold : to build a simulator which will be used later for the rail pressure control scheme validation, and to get linearized models for control design. A mathematical model, based on physical equations is developed and used as a simulator. Then time responses of the rail pressure of a real engine and of the simulator are compared in order to check the accuracy of the model. A frequency domain approach is finally proposed to validate linearized control-oriented models.