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A new approach for the observer-based synchronization of chaotic systems

Authors:Bara G. Iulia, Louis Pasteur University, France
Zemouche Ali, Louis Pasteur University, France
Boutayeb Mohamed, Louis Pasteur University, France
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Nonlinear Observers I
Keywords: Chaotic systems, observer-based chaos synchronization, LPV approach.


In this paper, a new framework for the synchronization of chaotic systemsis presented. The synchronization problem of a large class of chaotic systemsis formulated as an observer synthesis problem for an appropriate class of linearparameter-varying (LPV) systems. The result introduced in this paper shows thatLPV techniques can successfully be used in the context of chaotic systems synchronization.Two examples are considered in order to show the applicability of the LPVapproach.