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Nash Strategy Applied to Active Magnetic Bearing Control

Authors:Jungers Marc, SATIE (UMR 8029) ENS CACHAN, France, Metropolitan
Franco Ana Lucia Driemeyer, DAS/CTC Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
De Pieri Edson, DAS/CTC Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Abou-Kandil Hisham, SATIE (UMR 8029) ENS CACHAN, France, Metropolitan
Topic:2.4 Optimal Control
Session:Dynamic Games: Theory and Numerical Methods
Keywords: Active magnetic bearing, magnetic levitation, games theory, Nash strategy, multivariable system, coupled algebraic Riccati equations


In this paper, Nash strategy is applied for controlling an active magnetic bearing. Different criteria are associated to each input of the dynamical system. The Nash controls are associated with Coupled Algebraic Riccati Equations. A state feedback from Nash strategy is designed based on a linearized system. A comparison of Nash and LQ control, applied to the non-linear system, is proposed in the case of exact and perturbed parameters knowledge.