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Band Control: Concepts and Application in Dampening Oscillations of Feed of Petroleum Production Units

Authors:Nunes Giovani Cavalcanti, Petrobras, Brazil
Coelho Antonio Augusto Rodrigues, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Sumar Rodrigo Rodrigues, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Mejia Rodrigo Iván Goytia, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Topic:6.1 Chemical Process Control
Session:Process Control Applications
Keywords: Level control, load regulation, outflow, stabilization, PI controllers, surge tank.


The use of accumulation vessels – production separators, electrostatic treaters, etc – as filters of feed oscillations has been proposed to optimize the offshore treatment of crude oils. This change in philosophy of control suggests letting the level to oscillate within certain limits – called band – for which existing algorithms require the measurement of the flow rate. An alternative algorithm is presented in this paper that requires only the measurement of the level. The basic concepts of the proposal are presented. It is demonstrated that besides being simpler, this algorithm has a superior performance when compared to those that require the measurement of the outflow.