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Heavy-Duty Vehicle Rollover Detection and Active Roll Control

Authors:Yu Hai, the Ohio State University, United States
Guvenc Levent, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Ozguner Umit, The Ohio State University, United States
Topic:7.1 Automotive Control
Session:Vehicle Dynamics Control I
Keywords: Heavy-duty vehicle, rollover detection, active roll control


The safety of road vehicles depends on the yaw-roll dynamics. A loss ofroll stability results in a rollover accident. Mechanisms to warn against rolloverthreat and a rollover avoidance control methodology are crucial in designinga successful active safety warning/control system for heavy-duty commercialvehicles. A dynamic rollover metric, Time-To-Rollover (TTR), has become popularin rollover detection. In this paper, the TTR metric is further studied and twoextended versions of TTR metrics are proposed for rollover detection. Based on theTTR rollover detection module, a prototype Active Roll Control (ARC) systemis designed. Simulation results show that a heavy-duty vehicle's roll stability isconsiderably improved with the rollover detection and active roll control systemsproposed.