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Orientation Control of an Artificial Satellite by Means of the Interval-Multiplex Approach

Authors:Shevchenko Vladimir, Space Research Institute of NAS and NSA of Ukraine, Ukraine
Lychak Mykhailo, Space Research Institute of NAS and NSA of Ukraine, Ukraine
Topic:7.3 Aerospace
Session:Space Control
Keywords: adaptive control, identification, artificial satellites, estimation, chaotic behaviour, computer simulation


The interval-multiplex approach was applied to controlling the orientation of an artificial satellite under incomplete information about its state vector. When estimating the state vector, use was made of additional restrictions on the values of inaccuracy of measurements. Instead of linearizing the nonlinear system at the single point corresponding to the orientation mode, the linearization is carried out at each step, at the points representing the estimates of the state vector. Computer simulation demonstrates the effectiveness of using additional restrictions.