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Time-optimal control of a particle in a dielectrophoretic system

Authors:Chang Dong Eui, ENSMP, France
Petit Nicolas, ENSMP, France
Rouchon Pierre, ENSMP, France
Topic:2.4 Optimal Control
Session:Optimal Control Applications
Keywords: time-optimal control, biotechnology, nanotechnology, dielectrophoresis


We study the time-optimal control of a particle in a dielectrophoretic system. This system consists of a time-varying non-uniform electric field which acts upon the particle by inducing a dipole moment within it. The interaction between the dipole and the electric field generates the motion ofthe particle. The control is the voltage on the electrodes which creates the electric field. Such systems have wide applications in bio/nanotechnology. In regard to time-optimal control, we address the issue of existence and uniqueness of optimal trajectories, and explicitly compute the optimal control and the corresponding minimum time.