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Design and Development of Decision-making and Control System for Vision-based Soccer Robots

Authors:Xu Xinhe, Northeastern University, China
Xue Fangzhen, Northeastern University, China
Feng Ting, Northeastern University, China
Topic:7.5 Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
Session:Playing with Automation – Robotsoccer
Keywords: robot soccer, control and decision-making, multilevel hierarchicalcontrol, reasoning model, reactive model, system simulation


Centralized robot soccer becomes more and more popular project of science and technology. Because of its global vision, the decision-making and motion control becomes the keystone and the multilevel hierarchical structure is suitable. The robot controller is the 'Brain-less' executor, the motion controller includes all kinds of action functions and the organizing level can adopt different decision schemes. various decision and control methods make the soccer robot a micro high-tech platform. This paper is a summary to the decision-making and control system of soccer robot according our years' research and experiments.