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A Flexible Software for Real-time Control Applications in Fusion Experiments

Authors:Pironti Alfredo, Università di Napoli Federico II, Italy
de Tommasi Gianmaria, Università di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Piccolo Fabio, EURATOM/UKAEA Fusion Association, United Kingdom
Sartori Filippo, EURATOM/UKAEA Fusion Association, United Kingdom
Topic:3.1 Computers for Control
Session:Networked Control, SW for Real-Time Control
Keywords: Real-time systems, object-oriented design and programming, softwaretools


JETRT is a framework of real-time software and simulation toolsdesigned to help development of control systems in the JET fusion experimentenvironment. The main design choice is the complete separation of the targetapplication from the hardware and plant interfaces. This architecture has beendesigned to maximize the reusability and to standardize the software developmentcycle of real-time control systems. Thanks to this design choice development costshave been reduced and even non-specialist programmers can easily contribute toa real-time project. JETRT also provides a set of powerful debugging and testingtools, some of them well integrated with the Matlab environment. This featureallows to reduce significantly the time spent on the plant for the commissioning ofa new control system.