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Path Tracking of and Autonomous LHD Articulated Vehicle

Authors:Sasiadek Jurek, Carleton University, Canada
Lu Yi, Carleton University, Canada
Topic:4.4 Cost Oriented Automation
Session:Automation of Mining Vehicles and Equipment in Metal Industry
Keywords: Autonomous System, Intelligent Control, Articulated Vehicles, Path Tracking, and Fuzzy Logic Controller


This paper presents the path tracking and following for the Autonomous LHD (Load-Haul-Dump) articulated vehicle. A fuzzy logic control system for the articulated vehicle is developed to control longitudinal and lateral motion. The lateral control keeps the vehicle along the planned path and the longitudinal control makes the vehicle running at the required speed. Fuzzy logic control method is compared with classical methods to evaluate its performance and several simulation experiments were performed to develop the path following control system with 3-D motion animation. Different type of paths were tested and analyzed.