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Stability Analysis and Anti-Windup Design for Discrete-Time Systems by a Saturation-Dependent Lyapunov Function Approach

Authors:Wang Yongqiang, Zhejiang University, China
Cao Yong-Yan, Zhejiang University, China
Sun You-Xian, Zhejiang University, China
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Control of Nonlinear Saturating Systems
Keywords: Set invariance, Saturation-dependent Lyapunov function, Anti-windup


This paper deals with the stability analysis and anti-windup design ofdiscrete-time systems subject to actuator saturation. We present a newsaturation-dependent Lyapunov function to estimate the domain of attraction,which is then formulated and solved as a constrained LMI optimizationproblem. Further we propose an anti-windup compensation method to enlargethe domain of attraction in the presence of saturation. Numerical examplesare presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.