Vibration reduction abilities of some jerk-controlled movement laws for industrial machines
Authors: | Béarée Richard, CETIM, France, Metropolitan Barre Pierre-Jean, ENSAM Lille, France, Metropolitan Hautier Jean-Paul, ENSAM, France, Metropolitan |
Topic: | 2.1 Control Design |
Session: | Robot and Position Control |
Keywords: | Jerk profiles, Residual vibrations, Movement law, Lumped constant models, Industrial machines |
Vibration-free positioning is a basic objective in industrialhigh-speed systems, i.e. systems for which axes are submitted tosignificant dynamical demands. The focus of this paper is on thepragmatic formalisation of the influence of some jerk-controlledmovement laws on the residual vibrations. Analysis ofconstant-jerk, harmonic-jerk and minimum-jerk laws is conducted ona simplified axis drive model that accounts for axis controlparameters and for predominant mode effects. Experimentalmeasurements performed on industrial test-setups demonstrate theeffectiveness of the proposed approach in estimating the evolutionof the vibration level according to each movement law.