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Fixed order PQ-Control Design Method for a Dual-Stage Instrumented Suspension

Authors:Graham M., University of California, San Diego, United States
Oosterbosch R.J.M., Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
de Callafon R.A., University of California, San Diego, United States
Topic:4.2 Mechatronic Systems
Session:Mechatronics for Data Storage Devices II
Keywords: dual-stage, hard disk drive, servo control


To achieve frequency separation between actuators of a dual-stageservo actuator system in a hard disk drive, the PQ control designmethod can be used. In the PQ method, the servo controller isdesigned by focusing on structural interference of the actuators.This paper provides a specific parametrization for fixed orderfeedback controllers used in the PQ-method for which thestructural interference between actuators can be minimized. Theproposed control design method is applied to a dual-stageinstrumented suspension, where the additional sensor of theinstrumented suspension is used to attenuate high frequencydisturbance caused by windage turbulence in a hard disk drive.