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Order Reduction & Structure Simplification for Nonlinear Systems

Authors:Yousefi Amirhossein, Technische Universität München, Germany
Lohmann Boris, Technische Universität München, Germany
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Nonlinear Stability and Structural Analysis
Keywords: Structure Simplification, Order Reduction,Optimization , Nonlinear Systems,Genetic Algorithm


Abstract: This paper considers the problem of passing from a nonlinear simple-structuremodel to a low-order approximation by preserving simplicity. The approximation problemis often best posed as an l2 optimization problem. This optimization problem is the coreof our order reduction method so-called system matrices optimization. The simplificationis formulated as special secondary conditions which can be added to the originaloptimization problem. In order to find the simplest reduced order model a searchprocess should be performed that an appropriate and effective fitness function and sometechniques for shrinking the search space and accelerating the search process is presented.