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Existence and Optimality of Nash Equilibria in Inventory

Authors:Giarre' Laura, Univerista' di Palermo, Italy
Bauso Dario, Universita' di Palermo, Italy
Pesenti Raffaele, Universita' di Palermo, Italy
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:Optimality Issues in Control
Keywords: Inventory control, Stability, Optimality, Nash equlibrium


This paper studies the stability and optimalityof a distributed consensus protocol for n-player repeated noncooperative games under incomplete information. At each stage, the players choose binary strategies and incur in a payoffmonotonically decreasing with the number of active players. The game is specialized to an inventory application, where fixed costsare shared among all retailers, interested in whether reordering or notfrom a common warehouse. The authors focus on Pareto optimality as a measure of coordination of reordering strategies, proving that there exists a unique Pareto optimal Nash equilibrium that verifies certain stability conditions.