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Hybrid Knowledge and performance support systems for paper machine operations

Author:Laukkanen Ismo, UPM-Kymmene Corporation, Finland
Topic:6.1 Chemical Process Control
Session:Advances in Automation in Paper Making Industry
Keywords: Knowledge based systems, Knowledge transfer, Decision support systems, Paper Industry, Process simulation.


This study focuses on the applications of web based performance and knowledge support systems in the paper industry. Two different systems – a generic KnowPap learning environment and a customized electronic performance support system (EPSS) were evaluated. The results indicate a very limited usability of generic systems for operational and knowledge support. The customized KnowFine system was found very useful to support the operations and maintenance. In future this kind of customized systems will be integrated to process control and information management systems. Optimally the lice-cycle of these systems follows the life-cycle of the plant.