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Collaborative planning of a manufacturing design project through a novel e-engineering hub

Authors:Mejía Ricardo, ITESM, Campus Monterrey / LIPSI-ESTIA, Mexico
Molina Arturo, ITESM, Campus Monterrey, Mexico
Augenbroe Godfried, Georgia Institute of Technology / TU-Delft, United States
Topic:4.4 Cost Oriented Automation
Session:Cultural and Cost Aspects of Controlling a Distributed Collaborative Engineering
Keywords: Business process engineering, Design, Planning, Process models, Concurrent engineering, Co-operation, Co-ordination, Information technology.


Due to globalization of economies, organizations have started a new way of thinking in projects development. New needs arise on working practices as well as supporting Information and Communication Technologies. This article describes a novel concept of an e-engineering HUB for remote collaboration on engineering partnerships. It offers collaborative project planning services that focus on collaborative, tactical decision making that goes into the formation, work planning, contracting and trust building on both sides of an e-engineering partnership. An e-Hub software prototype has been developed and a domain-specific scenario originated in the manufacturing-engineering domain has been evaluated.