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Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Solution for a Hybrid Life Support System

Authors:Subramanian Dharmashankar, Honeywell Labs, United States
Lamba Nitin, Honeywell Labs, United States
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Nonlinear Control Applications I
Keywords: nonlinear control, optimal control, predictive control, hybrid modes, mathematical programming.


We consider the control problem of a Variable Configuration CO2 Removal system, which exhibits a hybrid dynamical character due to various operating modes of the system. The objective of the control problem is to track a desired concentration profile of CO2 and O2 in a crew cabin while keeping their concentrations within permissible bounds. We present a novel adaptation of the model predictive control technique for a nonlinear hybrid dynamic system. We exploit the problem structure and map the hybrid optimization problem onto a continuous nonlinear program. We also discuss case studies showing controller performance during off-nominal conditions.