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Development of MEMS angular rate sensor for high-dynamics applications

Authors:Sung Woon-Tahk, Seoul National University, Korea, Republic of
Lee Jang Gyu, Seoul National University, Korea, Republic of
Kang Taesam, Konkuk University, Korea, Republic of
Jang Hyun-Gee, Intellimicrons, Korea, Republic of
Topic:7.3 Aerospace
Session:Aerospace Control
Keywords: Analog control, Angular velocity, Closed-loop control, Inertial sensors, Gyroscopes


In this paper, presented are a design and tests of MEMS angular rate sensor of wide input range and wide bandwidth. Open loop performances of conventional MEMS rate sensor are very limited because the sensor has nonlinear input-output relation and it has very small bandwidth. In this study, a phase lead control scheme is applied to enlarge the operating range of the sensor. The structure of angular rate sensor is fabricated using MEMS manufacturing process and the detection circuit is designed applying the control circuit. From the test results, it is confirmed that the designed sensor has wide input range up to 1,000 deg/sec and bandwidth of 80 Hz