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Gibbs Sampler-Based Path Planning for Autonomous Vehicles: Convergence Analysis

Authors:Tan Xiaobo, Michigan State University, United States
Xi Wei, University of Maryland, United States
Baras John S., University of Maryland, United States
Topic:7.5 Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
Session:Vehicle Motion Planning
Keywords: Markov random fields; Gibbs sampler; Decentralized control; Autonomous vehicles; Convergence


Simulation has indicated that distributed self-organization of autonomous swarms might be achieved through Gibbs sampler-based simulated annealing. However, the dynamic nature of the underlying graph presents significant challenges in convergence analysis. As a first step toward such analysis, convergence of the algorithm is established in this paper for two special cases: single vehicle with limited sensing/moving range, and multiple vehicles with full sensing/moving range. The impact of Gibbspotential functions on the convergence speed is also investigated, which provides insight into the design of these functions.