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Experimental Application of l1-Optimal Control in Atomic Force Microscopy

Authors:Rieber Jochen M., University of Stuttgart, Germany
Schitter Georg, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Stemmer Andreas, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Allgower Frank, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:Optimality Issues in Control
Keywords: l1-optimal control, 2-DOF control design, atomic force microscopy, experimental application


This paper presents an experimental application of l1-optimal control. In an atomic force microscope, the vertical position of the piezoelectric tube scanner and thus the cantilever deflection is controlled using a 2-degree-of-freedom control design. The last recorded scan line is fed forward whereas a feedback controller provides stability and setpoint control. Experimental results verify the performance of the approach and giveinsight into applicability, design, and implementation aspects of l1-optimal controllers.