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Parameter estimation based on a switched observer for the study of left ventricle contractility

Author:Valigi Paolo, Universita di Perugia, Italy
Topic:8.2 Modelling & Control of Biomedical Systems
Session:Identification of Biomedical System Dynamics
Keywords: Parameter estimation, ventricle elastance, switched systems, observer


In this paper a method for estimating maximum ventricular elastance through a switched observer isproposed, based on measurement of ventricular volume (and possibly aortic pressure). The proposedswitched observer, i.e, an observer for a switched system, is derived from an electrical-analogmodel of the left ventricle and systemic load. An observability study was a priori conducted on themodel, restricted to the ejection phase, to validate the estimation procedure. The method has beenevaluated with simulated data and produced good results.