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Optimal operation of thin film growth with multiscale process objectives

Authors:Varshney Amit, Pennsylvania State University, United States
Armaou Antonios, Pennsylvania State University, United States
Topic:6.1 Chemical Process Control
Session:Simulation and Control of Advanced Materials Manufacturing Processes
Keywords: optimization, distributed-parameter systems, order reduction,process control, complex systems


The issue of optimal time-varying operation for transport-reactionprocesses is considered, when the cost functional and/or equalityconstraints necessitate the consideration of phenomena that occurover disparate length scales. Multiscale process models areinitially developed, linking continuum conservation laws withmicroscopic scale simulators. Subsequently, order reductiontechniques for dissipative partial-differential equations arecombined with adaptive tabulation methods for microscopicsimulators to reduce the computational requirements of theoptimization problem, which is then solved using standard searchalgorithms. The method is demonstrated on a thin film depositionprocess, where optimal surface temperature profiles and inletswitching times that simultaneously maximize thickness uniformityand minimize surface roughness across the film surface arecomputed.