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Simultaneous Localization and Map Building Algorithm for Real-Time Applications

Authors:Panzieri Stefano, Università "Roma Tre", Italy
Pascucci Federica, Università "Roma Tre", Italy
Setola Roberto, Università CAMPUS Biomedico, Roma, Italy, Italy
Topic:4.3 Robotics
Session:Guidance, Navigation, and Control of Robots
Keywords: Kalman filters, Mobile robots, Visual Motion, Real Time, Extended Kalman filters, SLAM


Mobile robot navigation in unstructured environment is a challenging task due to the uncertain nature of the real world. Navigating using visual landmarks could be a mandatory skill together with the ability of building a representation of the world around the robot. This mapping aptitude should be implemented as an efficient real-time task, even if a large number of elements have to be included in the map itself. To this aim, and to help in localising the robot, a promising technique is given by the Extended Kalman Filter in its interlaced version. The resulting SLAM algorithm, proposed in this paper, has a reduced computational cost preserving, at the same time, a good performance.