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Curriculum for System Control Education using Progress Line Tracer

Authors:Matsumoto Tsutomu, Kumamoto National College of Technology, Japan
Ohtsuka Hirofumi, Kumamoto National College of Technology, Japan
Shibasato Koki, Kumamoto National College of Technology, Japan
Shimada Yasuyuki, Kumamoto National College of Technology, Japan
Kawaji Shigeyasu, Kumamoto University, Japan
Iijima Jun'ichi, Meisei University, Japan
Topic:9.4 Control Education
Session:We Have Many Things To Tell You About Control Education
Keywords: Line tracer, System Control, Education, Curriculum


There have been literatures which have focused limited topics of control engineering, for example manipulating transfer function, considering stability etc. There have been also literatures to teach control engineering in the robotics. It seems to be no reports which has discussed the framework, curriculum for system control engineering education. This paper describes the design of curriculum for system control engineering of technical college in Japan. The feature of this curriculum is line tracer oriented. Furthermore, the goal of learning is cleared to student and line tracer is attractive. Improving examination of control engineering is also described shown in this paper.