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Control Functions Development for Distributed Automation Systems using the TORERO Approach

Authors:Ferrarini Luca, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Carlo Veber, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Christian Schwab, University of Magdeburg, Germany
Marcus Tangermann, University of Magdeburg, Germany
Aggeliki Prayati, University of Patras, Greece
Topic:5.1 Manufacturing Plant Control
Session:Research and Developments Challenges and Open Issues in Manufacturing Automation
Keywords: Distributed Computer Control Systems, Standards, Functional Blocks, Control System Design Methodology, Industry Automation.


The paper presents the design and implementation of an innovative IntegratedDevelopment Environment, developed within the on-going European Research ProjectTORERO, to model and design reusable distributed control systems (DCS). This projectproposes an architecture which relies on a development environment based on the Eclipsetool and the emerging standard IEC 61499 and on a suitable control device where aportion of the distributed control application can be executed on a specially developedruntime environment.