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Emotional User Interfaces and Humanoid Avatars in Industrial Environments

Authors:Ziegeler Dirk, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
Zuehlke Detlef, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
Topic:4.5 Human Machine Systems
Session:Emotions and Human Behaviour
Keywords: Human factors, human reliability, interaction mechanisms, human-machine-interface, process control, feedback channel


With the increasing use of TFT monitors in machine controllers, the possibilities of interaction and visualization have changed considerably. On the same side modern production systems are getting more and more complex and a huge amount of information has to be visualized.To investigate the usefulness of virtual human-like characters - so called avatars - in industrial applications, a concept for visualization of specific information through different kinds of avatars within the same application will be presented. The specific character of a single avatar varies depending on the specific information to be presented.