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Boundary Control Systems and the System Node

Authors:Villegas Javier, University of Twente, Netherlands
Le Gorrec Yann, LAGEP, UCB Lyon 1, France
Zwart Hans, University of Twente, Netherlands
van der Schaft Arjan, University of Twente, Netherlands
Topic:2.2 Linear Control Systems
Session:Analysis and Synthesis of Linear Control Systems II
Keywords: Boundary value problem, distributed-parameter systems, controllability, stability.


In this paper we show how to formulate a boundary control system in terms of the system node, that is, as an operator $ \mathcal{S}:= \vects{ A& B }{ C& D }:D(S) \rightarrow \vects{ X }{ Y }$ where $X$ is the state space and $Y$ is the output space. Here we give results which show how to find the top part of this operator and its domain in an easy way. For a class of boundary control systems, associated with a skew-symmetric differential operator, we completely identify the system node. Some results about stability and approximate observability are presented for this class of systems.