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Controlling the transmission of mastitis-causing pathogens

Authors:Evans Neil, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Cronin D.M., University of Warwick, United Kingdom
White L.J., University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Chappell M.J., University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Chapman M.J., Coventry University, United Kingdom
Godfrey K.R., University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Topic:8.2 Modelling & Control of Biomedical Systems
Session:Control Applications to Life Medicine I
Keywords: Control strategies; Mastitis; Mathematical modelling; Parameter estimation


Using a mathematical model for the transmission of mastitis-causingpathogens in a dairy herd and parameter estimation, controlstrategies are derived for a number of different herds. In addition, asingle common strategy is derived for control of all of the herds. Akey feature of all of the control strategies is that they minimise thecombined costs associated with infection and treatment. Only a smalldecrease in performance results from developing a common strategy.