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A Method for Detecting Defects in Laser Weldings for the Automotive Industry

Authors:Saludes Sergio, CARTIF, Spain
Bernárdez José M., CARTIF, Spain
Arnanz Roberto, CARTIF, Spain
Rodríguez Fernando, CARTIF, Spain
Miguel Luis J., Universidad de Valladolid ITAP, Spain
Perán José R., Universidad de Valladolid ETSII, Spain
Topic:6.4 Safeprocess
Session:Electromechanical Applications of Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control
Keywords: Fault detection, laser welding, manufacturing processes


During last years, car manufacturing industry has been concerned with requirements in vehicle mass reduction, impact security improvements and emission reduction. In response to this challenges, tailored blanks have been developed. Those specimens are formed by welding two different thickness metal sheets prior to be stamped. The welding method usually employed is laser welding, whose properties are particularly suitable for that purpose. In this paper, a method for detecting superficial and inner fault in laser weld is presented. The method is based on the analysis, in frequency and time domain, of the electromagnetic radiation emitted during the process. Results obtained in an industrial facility under production conditions are presented.