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Hybrid Control Scheme with Discrete Estimator for Efficient Disturbance Rejection

Authors:Hanuš Bořivoj, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic
Tůma Libor, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:Control Design II
Keywords: hybrid system, variable structure control, multivariable system, estimator, design, simulation.


The variable structure control system includes a set of controllers that have been prepared and tuned in advance. The output of the most suitable controller from this set is switched to the activity according to the changes of the static and dynamic properties of the controlled system and according to the input disturbances during the operation. Many classes of controllers can be included in the hybrid control strategy described in the paper and it can be applied to a fairly general class of controlled systems. Thus, this hybrid controller is characterised by considerable flexibility and wide application range. The discrete time incremental estimator, convenient for the switching and for the control, is described and tested.