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Identification of human gripping-force control from electro-encephalographic signals by artificial neural networks

Authors:Belic Ales, Universiy of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Koritnik Blaz, Clinical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia
Logar Vito, Universiy of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Brezan Simon, Clinical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia
Rutar Veronika, Clinical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia
Kurillo Gregorij, Universiy of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Karba Rihard, Universiy of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Topic:8.2 Modelling & Control of Biomedical Systems
Session:Biomedical Engineering / Biomedical Signal Processing II
Keywords: Human brain, Force control, Neural activity, Neural networks, Signal processing, Modelling


The exact mechanism of information transfer between different brain regions is still not known. The theory of binding tries to explain how different aspects of perception or motor action combine in the brain to form a unitary experience.The theory presumes that there is no specific center inthe brain that would gather the information from all the other braincenters, governing senses, motion, etc., and then make the decision aboutthe action. Instead, the centers bind together, when necessary, maybe throughelectromagnetic (EM) waves of specific frequency.Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the information that is transferred between thebrain centers is somehow coded in the electro-encephalographic (EEG) signals. The aim of thisstudy was to explore whether it is possible to extract the information onbrain activity from the EEG signals during visuomotor tracking task. In order to achieve the goal,artificial neural network (ANN) was used topredict the measured gripping-force from the EEG signal measurements and thus to showthe correlation between EEG signals and motor activity.The ANN was first trained with raw EEG signals of all the measuredelectrodes as inputs and gripping-force as the output. However, theANN could not be trained to perform the task successfully.Ifwe presume that brain centers transmit and receive informationthrough EM signals, as suggested by the binding theory, a simplifiedmodel of signal transmission in brain can be proposed. We propose a mathematical model of a human brain wherethe information between centers is transmitted as phase-modulated signal of certain carrier frequency.Demodulated signals were then used as the inputs for the ANNand the gripping-force signal was estimated on the output. The ANN could be trained to efficiently predict the gripping-force signal from the phase-demodulated EEG signals.