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Tracking Performance Limitations under Disturbance or Uncertainty

Authors:SU Weizhou, South China University of Technology, China
Qiu Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Technolgy, Hong Kong
Petersen Ian, Australian Defence Force Academy, Australia
Topic:2.5 Robust Control
Session:Robustness Analysis I
Keywords: Performance limitation, Robust optimal control,Optimal tracking, Nonminimum phase


This paper investigates tracking performance limitations of alinear time invariant (LTI) multivariable plant subject toexternal disturbance or model uncertainty. It attempts to extendsome recent results on tracking performance limitation in whichneither the disturbance nor the uncertainty is considered. Thereference signal to be tracked is a step signal. The trackingperformance is measured by the energy of the tracking error. Theexternal disturbance is assumed to be energy bounded and to beinjected into the input channels of the plant. The modeluncertainty is assumed to have some special structure and to havecertain induced norm bound. The performance limitation studied isthe minimal attainable value, under any controller structure andparameters, of the maximum tracking error energy for all possibledisturbance or uncertainty.