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Event-driven Operation Monitoring of Wastewater Treatment Process

Authors:Lijie Zhao, Automation Research Center, Northeastern University, China
Chai Tianyou, Automation Research Center, Northeastern University, China
Cong Qiumei, Automation Research Center, Northeastern University, China
Topic:8.3 Modelling & Control of Environmental Systems
Session:Modeling and Control of Environmental Systems
Keywords: Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR), Multivariate Statistical Process Control, Moving Window MPCA


Due to slow time variation, variable run length and nonlinearity of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) wastewater treatment batch process, a multivariate statistical MPCA model based on double moving window along the time×variable axis and batch-axis is used for online monitoring the progress of sequencing batch reactor. Moving window MPCA along the time×variable axis can copy seamlessly with variable run length and needn’t estimate any deviations of the ongoing batch from the average trajectories. The MPCA model was updated by moving along the batch-axis. The proposed method has demonstrated that it performs better than traditional MPCA.